Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Here's the break down

Since it was my first time butchering a whole pig, I didn't want to break the bank so 150lbs looked big enough for nice muscle development, but small enough to handle easily.  Well worth the money and now I have a new found respect for the meat I always loved. 

Sorry... I'm leaving out the whole dressing of the pig.
I didn't weigh it, but we ended up with enough meat to last my mother and I at least 2 1/2 months.  Not much went to waist we ended up with 2 nice hams, 4 trotter/hocks, 2 butts, 2 picnics, 1 belly for pancetta, 1bonelsess loin attached to belly to roll for a porchetta, 2 racks of ribs (spare, and baby back attached), soup bones, tons of back fat, and some nice t-bone pork chops.  I gave the offal to my father in law who has some old Calabrese recipe that I am fearful of.  But I look forward to trying.

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